Are you feeling Brazed and Confused? Perhaps you recently finished your Braze onboarding and now you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed about where to begin? Or maybe you’ve been trained to perform a specific job within Braze, but haven't been exposed to the full breadth of features and functions it has to offer. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!
One of the first places you should look to is the windfall of content available on the Braze Learning portal. There, you’ll find a good mix of materials ranging from the basic (Braze 101 and SMS Fundamentals) to the more advanced (Liquid: Date & Time Manipulation and Real-Time Abandoned Intent), and everything in between. If pre-recorded lessons don’t work for you, they also offer instructor-led live trainings session on Braze Foundations, Liquid, and Canvas related topics.
Another valuable resource we always recommend is attending live industry events. Did you know that Braze holds periodic conferences like CityXCity and Forge?
You should definitely check out their events page to see what’s coming up. Conferences provide a great opportunity to connect with other Braze users like yourself, learn how they use the tool, discover what worked (or didn’t) for them, and hear about the latest software advancements they plan to release.
Finally, seek out experts in the tool. We like to recommend our friends at Covalent Marketing, over for obvious reasons, and for practical insights. Our team consists of Braze-certified ninjas who have encountered all sorts of craziness while uplifting our clients to achieve better marketing results. In fact, you can go back and read some of our other Brazed and Confused posts for more valuable tips and advice.
Feel free to reach out and ask questions at We’d love to help you out!